Wednesday, November 09, 2011

November 9th, 2011

1) hand in completed Ontario Writing 7 assignment on Design Racing Car Decals - Pages 15 to 19 (Make sure to have Reflection completed as well)
2) MacLab - still a few Terror 911 and Mystery writing assignments that have not been handed in (complete and email)
3) Bitstrips for Schools - Remembrance Day Assignment
4) Mr. Restoule General - Caribou Math Contest Practice
5) Geography

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 22nd, 2011

1) MacLab - blogging
2) Math Unit Review - Textbook - Pages 34-35, #1-20
3) Library - layout and book exchange
4) Geography

A reminder to bring in your Health Consent Form!  We need three more for a pizza party!  Also a reminder to bring in any Scholastic Book Orders and Zumba Forms.

Welcome to our BLOG for 2011-2012!

Please leave me a post to show that you are in!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Brock Caribou Contest

Today is the last day in the Brock Caribou Contest.  Our class has competed in the contest over the last year with some interesting outcomes.  We are hoping that today will be our best results to date, as we are utilizing everything we have learned in comparison to the contest.  Good Luck to the 7-3 participants and thank you for putting forth such a good effort.  Also, thank you to Mr. Restoule-General for his support and active participation in the Brock Caribou.

Monday, May 16, 2011

The First 20 Days of Independent Reading

Hello Again
Over the next few weeks our class will be working daily with Mrs. C. Browatzke on The First Twenty Days of Independent Reading.  Here is a link if anyone is interested in gathering more info about what we will be doing.

Monday, January 03, 2011

Monday, January 3rd 2011

Welcome Back!
Journal - What did you do over the holiday break?
Language Power - worked on Lessons 27-30, complete for homework
Math 4.9 - Order of Operations With Decimals, Pages 154-155, #1-7, complete for homework and catch up on Workbook