Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30th, 2013

1) Math Minute #9
2) agenda
3) Language Power -Lessons 4-5, Prefixes and Suffixes
4) Math Test -Unit 1
5) Independent Reading
6) Phys. Ed. - Fitness Test continued

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27th, 2013

1) Math Minute # 8
2) Assignments that are overdue:
a) graphic stories
b) Terror 911 - complete novel and answer all worksheets
c) Terry Fox Doodle Art
3) Math - finish Unit Review in Textbook for Unit 1
4) Terry Fox Walk/Run


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wednesday - Thursday, September 25th to 26th, 2013

1) catch up agenda from blog if needed
2) Reflex Math
3) finish Bitstrip for Schools Assignment
4) Math - Unit Review in Textbook - Pages 35-36, #1-20
5) Phys Ed. -

1) Library a) Reflex Math, b) Terror 911, c) independent reading
2) finish Math - Unit Review in Textbook from yesterday
3) finish Terry Fox Doodle Art and Think Pair Share if incomplete
4) Art

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 - Day 2

1) Math Minute #5
2) Terry Fox Doodle Art
3) Math - complete 1.5 (if incomplete)
4) finish Terror 911 - reading novel and activities
5) Geography

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

1) Terry Fox - Marathon of Hope movie
2) Math - 1.5 Number Patterns
3) Art -

A reminder that Graphic Stories were due on Friday.  Make sure to hand in today!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20th, 2013

1) Math Minute - #3
2) Journal -My pet...(if you don't have a pet, write about a pet you would like to have) 
3) Presentation - Social Development
4) Math - 1.4 Exponents, Pages 14-15, #1-7
5) catch up period
6) Phys. Ed. - Fitness Testing

PS - A special thanks to all of the parents/guardians who came out last night to meet the teacher.  Your support in the school is much appreciated.
M. Hickey

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

1) Library - independent reading
2) Math - finish Mid Unit Review
              - 1.4 in Workbook
3) Graphic Stories
4) Geography

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

1) Math Minute - Minute 1
2) MacLab - Reflex Math - Bitstrips for Schools - Factor and Multiple
3) Graphic Stories - due by Friday
4) Terror 911
5) Art - mosaics

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

1) complete agendas for today and catch up any missed days
2) when agenda is complete you can log on to your computer: a) Reflex Math (15 min), then b) Bitstrips for Schools
3) Math - continue with 1.3 in workbook and start 1.4
4) Graphic Stories - continue working on good copy
5) Phys. Ed. - Health Title Page and kickball

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Stories work on good copy (due by Friday)
2) finish Factor Game
     -1.3 Practice and Homework Book
3) continue reading Terror 911, Chapters 7-10
4) Geography -

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13th, 2013

1) pizza money - immunization forms - dental forms
2) Terror 911 - read chapters 3-6
3) Math - finish Factor Game
             - 1.3 Textbook continue
4) Name Plates finish
5) Graphic Stories - continue (due next Friday)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1) Library - Read Chapters 2-3 Terror 911, read library novel, work on Reflex Math
2) Math 1.3 - Squares and Square Roots, Pages 19-21, #1-10
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Story - continue
4) Phys. Ed. -

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reflex Math

Dear Parents/Guardians:
A letter has been sent home regarding the use of the Reflex Math Program.   I encourage you to please read over the letter and access the free Reflex Parent Reporting Account if you have internet.  This is a program which our students are using in the school to help with multiplication and division facts.  It is also a program which students are able to use at home.  If you have any questions please give me a call at the school.
M. Hickey

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

1) make sure your agenda is caught up - use the blog if necessary
2) Reflex Math
3) Graphic Stories - Ontario Writing 7 - can use the internet for research
4) Math - 1.2 in Practice and Homework Book
5) Geography

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

1) Terror 911 Novel
2) Math - check Math homework 1.2 - #1-5
             - continue with 1.2 in Textbook and Workbook
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Story
4) Art -

Monday, September 09, 2013

Monday, September 9th, 2013

1) Name Sheet
2) Math - continue with 1.2 Factors and Multiples Pages 14-17 #1-10
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Stories continue from Thursday
4) Phys. Ed - warm up, stretch, indoor soccer

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

1) Library
2) Math - finish up 1.1 in both Textbook and Workbook
3) Language Power - Lessons 2-4
4) Geography

A reminder to bring in:
a) immunization forms
b) dental forms
c) 3 Pitch Forms

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

1) Classwork/Homework is everything complete???
a) Extra Extra Worksheet - complete and neat
b) Math - Skills You'll Need - Practice and Homework Workbook

2) Computer Lab - finish Bitstrips For Schools assignment

3) continue with Math 1.1 in Textbook and start 1.1 in Practice and Homework Book

4) Art -

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

1) Literacy Power - The Sticks of Truth - A-D (use pink exercise book)
2) Math - finish Skills You'll Need (Practice and Homework Book)
             - start 1.1 Numbers All Around Us - Textbook - Pages 10-13, #1-12
3) Ontario Writing 7
4) Phys. Ed - Routines/Rules