Friday, March 28, 2014

Thursday - Friday, March 27th to 28th, 2014

1) Math Minute # 66
2) Library - finish Holes Novel questions, work on Fantasy Story character development, Math 5.5/5.6, I Wish Poetry
3) finish Holes Chapters 46-50
4) History - watched a movie (?)

1) Math Minute #67
2) Movie Holes
3) Unit Review Textbook (Unit 5)  - study this weekend
4) Science

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 26th, 2014

1) Math Minute #65 (finish 64 if needed as well) - hand in
2) Agenda - catch up using blog
3) Math Workbook - still missing some for 5.5/5.6
4) Reflex Math
5) Fantasy Story - character development/sketch
6) Unit Review - Math Textbook
7) Computers

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Monday to Tuesday, March 24th to 25th, 2014

1) Math Minute #63 (hand in)
2) Math Workbook 5.5/5.6 (hand in)
3) Poetry "I Wish" type up and email good copy
4) Roots of Empathy - poster
5) History

1) Math Minute #64 
2) Writing Sense - Fantasy Stories - discuss outline
3) Math - Unit Review Textbook, Pages 208-210, #1-7
4) Holes - listen to chapters 40-50
5) Science

Wednesday - Friday, March 19th to 21st, 2014

Wednesday (Western Track & Field Day)
1) MacLab - Reflex Math, Bitstrips for School, "I Wish" Poetry
2) Math - continue in Workbook 5.5
3) History

1) Library
2) finish 5.5 and start 5.6 in Workbook
3) independent reading or Holes
4) Science

1) Language Power - continue from last activity
2) Unit Review - Textbook - start if 5.5/5.6 complete (homework)
3) independent reading or Holes
4) Computers

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday, March 18th, 2014

1) Math Minute #62
2) Poetry - I Wish Poem
3) Math: 5.4 Line Graphs, Pages 67-69
4) Roots of Empathy or Holes Chapter Questions
5) Computers

Monday, March 17, 2014

St. Pattys Day

1) Reflex Math
2) Agenda - catch up if needed from week before March Break (hand in)
3) Bitstrips for School - St. Pattys Day comic and Cereal Commercial
4) Roots of Empathy - Post Visit
5) History -

Friday, March 07, 2014

Thursday to Friday, March 6th to 7th, 2014

1) Library - finish Holes questions up to 39 (due today)
                 - finish Car Decal Design (due today)
2) catch up period
3) Computers - brochures

1) finish any incomplete assignments
2) Hawaiian Day

A reminder Report Card Parent Comments need to be handed in.
Also Western Track and Field Day Forms and Badminton Forms.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Wednesday, March 5th, 2014

1) Agenda
2) Journal - If you could trade one thing in the world what would it be and why??
3) MacLab - Reflex Math, Holes (due Thursday), Car Decals Good Copy (Due Thursday)
4) Math Test - Unit 4
5) Science

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Friday, February 28th to Tuesday, March 4th, 2014

1) 2 Slogans for Car Design
2) Math - 5.2 Recording Data - Pages 101-103, #1-4
3) Holes - Continue working on questions up to Chapter 39
4) Science - Biomes

2) Ontario Writing 7 - The Complex Sentence, Pages 64-65
                                  - Sentence Variety, Page 66
3) Computers - work on brochures

1) catch up agenda
2) Math Minute #62
3) start good copy - Car Decal Design
4) Math - Math Test Unit 4
              - finish 5.2 in workbook if incomplete
              - 5.3 Stem and Leaf Plots, 104-106, #1-5
5) Baby Comyn Visit - Roots of Empathy
6) History