Friday, September 30, 2016

Terror 911 Questions

Chapters 1-3
After Reading
1) If you were Curtis, would you go back and look for your dad?  Why or why not?
 2) Do you think Curtis was treating his dad fairly?  Why or Why not?

Chapters 4-7
1) Have you ever had a time when you were so frightened you could not think about what you were doing you just acted on instinct?  Do you know someone who has?
2) Imagine what it must be like for Curtis, crowded into the stairway, moving with the flow of people.  He doesn't know whether he's going toward safety or more danger.  At the time, some people in the World Trade Center were being instructed to stay in their offices, some were heading up the stairs, and others were going downstairs.  What do you think you would have done?

Chapters 8-9
1) Look at the title of Chapter 9.  What do you predict will happen?
2) What do you recall about Curtis's greatest fear and why do you think this is important?
3) Do you think Curtis did the right thing in telling the firefighter that he didn't need help with his dad?  Why?

Chapters 10-12
1) At school, the kids call Curtis a hero, but he says he's not a hero.  What do you think?
2) Survivors of disasters like this carry emotional scars long after the event is over.  What do you think the long lasting effects would be on Curtis and his sister?

Friday, September 30th, 2016

1) Agenda (make sure is caught up for the week) - parent signature??
2) Journal - Girls vs Boys Playing Sports
3) MacLab - Prodigy
                  - work on Keynote Presentation
4) Math - 1.3 Squares and Square Roots, Pages 11-13, #1-8
5) Literacy Power - finish The Sticks of Truth
6) Math Minute #21
7) Open Period - no rotary

(Homework - Is your Graphic Story, Terror 911 Novel Study, Math Workbook, Terry Fox complete?  If not make sure to complete on the weekend!)

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Thursday, September 29th, 2016

1) Library - 20 minutes independent reading
                 - Graphic Story & Terror 911 - (due yesterday)
2) Math Textbook - The Factor Game - Page 18
3) Terry Fox Movie - finish questions
4) Math Minute #20
5) Literacy Power - The Sticks of Truth - finish questions
6) Diabetes Presentation - Health - Arlana Harrison

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Tuesday & Wedensday, September 26th and 27th, 2016

1) Writing 7 - Write A Three Line Poem - Pages 64-65
2) 1.2 Factors & Multiples - Practice & Homework Book, Pages 8-10, #1-8
3) read library novels or finish Terror 911 questions & activities
4) Math Minute #18
5) Art

1) MacLab - Keynote Presentation
                  - Prodigy
                  - catch up agenda (make sure to include rotary)
2) Reading Library Novels (Terror 911 due today)
3) Math Minute #19
4) Geography -

Monday, September 26, 2016

Monday, September 26th, 2016

1) Mac Lab - Prodigy Math
2) Keynote Presentation
3) 1.1 Numbers All Around Us - Practice & Homework Book, Pages 6-7. #1-5
4) Language Power - Lessons 6-7 finish if not complete
5) Math Minute #17
6) Phys. Ed. -

Friday, September 23rd, 2016

1) Graphic Story - Writing 7 - finishing good copy
    - use Edit, Proofread, and Publish Checklist on Page 6
2) 1.1 Numbers All Around Us - Textbook - finish from yesterday, Pages 10-13, #1-12, #13 Bonus
3) Finish Terror 911 Questions & Activities (if complete read library novel)
4) Math Minute #16
5) Terry Fox Run/Walk

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Tuesday - Thursday, September 20th to 22nd

1) Journal - $10, 000
2) Writing 7 - Graphic Story (due by Tuesday - NO LATES)
3) Math Textbook - Numbers All Around Us 1.1 - Pages 10-13, #1-12
4) Terror 911 - (due Friday)
5) Math Minute #14
6) Geography- Longitude and Latitude

1) Reflex Math (green light)
2) catch up Agenda
3) Media Literacy - Keynote Presentation
4) Language Power - Lessons 4&5
5) Math Minute #15
6) 3 Pitch - Phys Ed.

1) Library - independent reading
2) Computers
3) Math - continue with 1.1 from Tuesday
4) Terry Fox Movie
5) Art

TERRY FOX WALK/RUN - Try to bring in a Toonie or sponsor sheet - WEAR RED AND WHITE

Monday, September 19, 2016

Monday, September 19th, 2016

1) Assembly - Ms. Thomas
2) Agenda
3) Math - Geometry - Just For Fun - Page 139 - Crossword
                                 - Skills You'll Need - Pages 140-142, #1-5
4) Terror 911 - Chapters 10-12 (Pages 75-90)
5) Math Minute #12
6) Art

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Thursday - Friday, September 15th to 16th, 2016

1) Agenda
2) Library - 2.1.1 Toothpick Patterns - Math Activity
                 - Library Novels (independent reading)
3) Reflex Math
4) Terry Fox Shoe Design
5) Graphic Story
6) Phys. Ed. - 3 Pitch/Stretching

A reminder to take home Terry Fox Forms or Bring in a TOONIE for TERRY.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Wednesday, September 14th, 2016

1) MacLab - Reflex Math - until green light
                   - agenda (all days caught up)
2) Math Workbook (SYN, 1.5, 10.1 & 10.2) - HOMEWORK IF INCOMPLETE
3) Math Playground
4) Graphic Story
5) Terror 911 (Chapters 8-9, Pages 57-75)
     - After Reading
     - Put Yourself in the Story
6) Math Minute #11
7) Geography

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tuesday, September 13th, 2016

1) Agenda
2) Writing 7 - Write A Graphic Story - Pages 3-5
3) Math - Finish 10.1-10.2 Workbook
4) Terror 911 Documentary
5) Math Minute #10
6) Art-

Monday, September 12, 2016

Monday, September 12th, 2016

1) Agenda
2) Reflex Math - setup program
3) Math Workbook - Number Patterns 10.1 - Pages 202-205, #1-9
4) Writing 7 - Graphic Stories
5) Math Minute #9
6) Phys. Ed./ Health

Friday, September 9th, 2016

1) Language Power - Lesson 4 - Expand Your Vocabulary
                                 - Lesson 5 - Prefixes - Pages 10-11
2) Math - Skills You'll Need - Practice & Homework Book - Pages 2-5, #1-9
3) Catch Up Period - EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT ME (Due Monday)
                                - Name Plate (Due Monday)
                                - Language Power
                                 - Math
4) Math Minute #8
5) Geography -

Thursday, September 8th, 2016 - Day 1

1) Agenda
2) Library - pick out library novel for independent reading
3) Math - finish Skills You'll Need in Textbook - Pages 6-9, #1-11
4) Extra Extra Read All About Me - due Monday
5) Math Minute #7
6) Art

Reminder - Cross Country & 3 Pitch Forms if interested

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

Wednesday, September 7th, 2016

1) Computer - rules - looked at homeroom blog -
2) check out different parts of blog
3) Math - finish Skills You'll Need from yesterday
4) Paper Bag Presentations - finish
5) Chapters 4-7 - Terror 911 - finish reading if time
6) Math Minute #6
7) Phys. Ed. - rules in the gym, free time

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

1) Journal - Top 10 Homework Excuses
2) Agenda
3) Math 1.5 Number Patterns, Pages 16-17, #1-6 - Workbook
    - discuss textbook
4) Paper Bag Assignment Presentations
5) finish Extra Extra Read All About Me/Name Plate
6) Math Minute #5
7) Geography -

Friday, September 02, 2016

Friday, September 2nd, 2016

1) Agenda
2) Journal - design a lunch school menu
3) OCA - Ontario Comprehension Assessment - Tsunami Test
4) catch up period - Language Power, Math Minute, Name Plate, or Journal
5) Math Minute #4
6) Art - Mr. Shognosh

This weekend remember your PAPER BAG ASSIGNMENT for Tuesday.
Dental/Registration Forms
Scholastic Book Orders

Thursday, September 01, 2016

Thursday, September 1st, 2016

1) Agenda
2) Extra Extra Read All About Me
3) Math Textbook -hand out
     1.5 Number Patterns, Pages 16-17, #1-6 - Workbook
4) Mohawk or Cayuga
5) Terror 911 - Chapters 1-3 - Before Reading & After Reading
6) Math Minute #3
7) Health - start workbook

A reminder to bring in your Dental/Registration Forms.
Paper Bag Assignment - start presentation Tuesday