Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, January 28th to 29th, 2008


Monday's work:
1) Spelling Lesson 17 - Words 5x and Dictionary
2) Math - took up Mid Unit Review
3) Math - started Lesson 5.4 on Central Tendency
4) worked on Speeches

Tuesday's work:
1) Design and Tech
2) Complete good copies for speech
3) M.S. Read a Thon - assembly


Mr. H :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Wed - Thurs, Jan. 23rd to 24th


1) S.R.A. Reading Lab
2) Start Spelling Exercises Lesson 16
3) Math - Finish 5.3 Handout

1) Finish Spelling Lesson 16 Exercises
2) Math - Mid Unit Review - due Friday
3) Speech - work on rough copy
4) Extra gym

Make sure to study for the memory spelling dictation tomorrow! Also please have ALL speech information ready to use in class.

Mr. Hickey

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, January 21st to 22nd


Monday's work:
1) Spelling Lesson 16 - Words 5x and dictionary meanings
2) Design and Tech
3) Speech - work on introduction

Tuesday's work:
1) Language Power Lessons - 10, 11, 16, and 22
2) Math - Start Lesson 5.3 handout
3) Wind Spirit Chapter 2

Monday, January 21, 2008

Thursday - Friday, January 17th to 18th

Thursday's work:
1) Complete all spelling exercises for Lesson 15
2) Computer lab - work on speech research
3) Wind Spirit - complete chapter 1

Friday's work:
1) C.A.S.I. testing
2) Spelling Dictation from Memory
3) take up spelling exercises
4) Math 5.1 - 5.2 worksheet (due Tuesday)

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Monday - Wednesday, January 14th - 16th


Monday's Work:
1) Autobiography Presentations PowerPoint
2) S.R.A. Reading - at least on story

Tuesday's Work:
1) Autobiography Presentations PowerPoint
2) Wind Spirit Chapter 1 - finish for read - a - loud
3) Literacy Power - Getting The Message "The Way of a Winner" - all questions (Due Wednesday)

Wednesday's Work:
1) Spelling Lesson 15 - Words 5X - work on exercises (due Friday)
2) Math - Lesson 5.2 - pages 194-199, #1-7 (Homework)
3) Extra Gym Period

A reminder that dictation on Friday is all from your memory. You need to have all 20 words stuck in your BRAIN! Study, Study, Study!

We will be starting Speeches tomorrow, please have your topics picked for our computer research period.

Mr. Hickey

Friday, January 11, 2008

Friday, January 11th, 2007

I must start out by saying that this has been one of the best weeks of work all year by class 8.1. Overall very focused and ready to work! Keep it up! However, the one thing that we can improve is out homework completion. Make sure to complete all of your homework as soon as you get home. Don't leave it until the end of the night when you are tired and all of the good TV shows are on.

Work from today:
1) Took up Lesson 14 in Spelling - (marks were very good overall)
2) Spelling Memory
3) Math - started Lesson 5.1 - Relating Census and Sample - HOMEWORK THIS WEEKEND - Pages 187-191, #1-7, 8 Bonus - LET'S AIM FOR 100% COMPLETION ON MONDAY!!
4) Silent Reading Library

Have a great weekend!
Mr. Hickey

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Thursday, January 10th, 2008

Today's work:
1) Spelling - Complete all exercises for Lesson 14 - study for dictation
2) Hatchet - movie
3) Wind Spirit title page - complete

A reminder that the Assumption trip is tomorrow for students that signed up.

Mr. Hickey

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Tuesday - Wednesday, January 8-9th, 2008

Tuesday's Work:
1) Spelling Lesson 14 - Complete dictionary and sentences (hand in)
2) S.R.A. - complete at least one activity
3) Math - Start Unit 5 - Homework pages 184-186, #1-2 (Graphs)

1) start Spelling exercises
2) Computer Lab - Math - Using Census at School to Get Secondary Data
3) Wind Spirit title page - new novel study

Mr. Hickey

Monday, January 07, 2008

Monday, January 7th, 2008


Hope everyone had a great holiday season and is ready to go for Term 2!

Today's Work:
1) HEAT - CHAPTER 12 - Finish all questions. All chapters due Monday.
2) Spelling - Lesson 14 - Words 5X and Dictionary
3) Journal - What you did over the holiday season?

Mr. Hickey