Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, April 8th - 29th


Monday's work:
1) Ms. Browatzke - Graphic Novels - Historical Fiction
2) continue with Math Review and Unit Test (Unit 8)
3) Spelling Lesson 25 - Dictionary
4) Read up to chapter 20 -Lost In The Barrens

Tuesday's work:
1) Ms. Browatzke - Graphic Novels - Storyboards
2) take up Math Review and Unit Test
3) Grad Pictures
4) complete Spelling Lesson 25 - Dictionary
5) Lost In The Barrens Quiz

Mr. Hickey

Friday, April 25, 2008

Friday, April 25th

Today's work:
1) took up Spelling Lesson 24 Review
2) Math Review Unit 8, #1-10 (due Monday)
3) Graphic Novels with Ms. Browatzke

A reminder that the Hagersville Shadow day is Monday and that GRAD PICTURES are on Tuesday (no retakes).

Have a good weekend.
Mr. Hickey

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday, April 24th


A reminder that the McKinnon Shadow day is tomorrow and Hagersville Shadow Day is on Monday.
Students missing tomorrow are to complete their Math Unit Review for Monday.

Today's work:
1) continued with Spelling Review
2) silent reading 1/2 hour
3) Ms. Browatzke discussed Graphic Novels

Have a great night.
Mr. Hickey

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Tuesday-Wednesday, April 22-23rd


Tuesday's Work:
1) Started Spelling Review Lesson 24
2) Watched math video on Pythagorean Theory
3) read next chapter in Lost In The Barrens

Wednesday's Work:
1) worked in computer lab most of the morning completing: a) Brochure, b) Newspaper article, and c) Lyrics Research
2) Math Package 8.5 - Special Triangles (entire package due Friday)
3) Graphic Novels with Mrs. Browatzke (Cover page and Splash page)

Have a great night!
Mr. Hickey

Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday, April 14th, 2008


1) Math Review all questions
2) Spelling Dictation
3) Lost In The Barrens Chapters 7-8
4) Extra Gym

1) Computer - Newspaper Articles (finish good copy)
2) Math - Test Unit 7
Homework - Chapters 9-10 (quiz on Monday)

1) complete one S.R.A.
2) watch video on Life & Time of Farley Mowat (assignment in class)
3) Math define Key Words for Unit 6
4) homework pages 322-324 #1-6 - Skills You'll Need

Some students still need to hand in their Newspaper Article from Writing Sense. The computer lab will be open at lunch if you need to work on these.

Mr. Hickey

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Monday - Wednesday, April 7th-9th


Monday's Work:
1) Math 7.4 in textbook
2) Spelling Lesson 21 - exercises marked and dictation
3) start dictionary for Lesson 22 Spelling
4) Lost In The Barrens - continue reading

Tuesday's Work:
1) Math 7.5, 7.6. In Your Own Words Handout (due by Thursday)
2) Spelling Sentences Lesson 22
3) Lost In The Barrens - continue reading

Wednesday's Work:
1) Complete all Spelling Exercises for Lesson 22 - (due Thursday and study for Dictation Thursday)
2) Math Finish up 7.5-7.6 Math
3) Start Unit Review (Test is On Friday)
4) Lost In The Barrens - continue reading up to chapter 7

Mr. Hickey

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Wednesday, April 2 - Thursday, April 3


1) Spelling Lesson 21 Exercises
2) Assembly
3) Extra Gym

1) Computers - Newspaper Article
2) Apprenticeship is Hip Career Fair
3) Lost in the Barrens Chapter 3 and Title Page (due Friday)

Have a great night.
Mr. H.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Monday, March 31st - Tuesday, April 1st


Monday's work:
1) Writing Sense - work on rough copy of newspaper article
2) Math - take up Lesson 7.3
3) Start Title Page for Lost in the Barrens

Tuesday's work:
1) Math - Mid Unit Review
2) Spelling - Lesson 21 Dictionary and Sentences
3) complete one S.R.A. activity
4) work on Title Page for Lost in the Barrens

A reminder that Science Fair Projects are due, Apprenticeship is Hip forms are due, and report card 3rd sheets with parent signatures/3 goals for term 3 are due.

Mr. H.