Thursday, June 04, 2015

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

1) Library - finish any outstanding assignments (ie. Fantasy Story, Midnight Poetry, Unit 11 Math, Literacy Power - The Painter and the Judge, etc...)
2) Library Novels
3) Computers

- Wonderland forms will be going home to students who have all their work completed over the next few days.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Tuesday to Wednesday, June 2nd to 3rd, 2015

1) Literacy Power - Painter and the Judge
2) Spirit Horse Presentation in Gyn
3) Roots of Empathy - final visit
4) History

1) MacLab - Reflex Math
                   - last day to work on Fantasy Story and email
                   - Probability Experiment - good copy
                   - Before Midnight Poem - good copy
                   - Bitstrips for School
2) finish Painter and the Judge - Literacy Power
    - then read your library novel
3) Science

Monday, June 01, 2015

Monday, June 1st, 2015

1) MacLab - finish Fantasy Story - use Writing Sense (focus on Revising and Editing - Pages 37-38)
2) Reflex Math
3) Bitstrips for School
4) Probability Experiment - need good copy handed in from you or your group
5) 11.3 Theoretical Probability and 11.4 Applications of Probability
6) finish Roots of Empathy Booklet
7) Computers