Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, December 15th to 16th, 2008

Monday's work:
1) Computer Lab - finish typing Chapters 1-10 answers for Wind Spirit (due Tuesday)
2) Math - 5.5 Drawing Histograms (due Tuesday)
3) some students had 5.4 Measures of Central Tendency incomplete (another assignment was handed out today and is due Tuesday)

Tuesday's work:
1) complete 1 S.R.A.
2) Math - 5.6 Circle Graphs (due Wednesday)
3) Social

A reminder that we have our class party and Secret Santa tomorrow. Please remember your gifts!

Mr. Hickey

Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday, December 12th, 2008

Today's work:
1) Literacy Power - E Communications Timeline
2) Math - Took up Mid Unit Review and Lesson 5.4
3) Extra Gym Period

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thursday, December 11th, 2008

Today's work:
1) Math Mid Unit Review for Unit 5 was due (only about half the class had completed questions 1-4 plus their graph) Make sure it is completed by tomorrow!
2) 5.4 Measures of Central Tendency, Questions 1-8, (Bonus 9-10) due tomorrow. Most of the morning was spent on Math, so there should only be a few questions to complete.
3) Hagersville High School Presentation

Also a reminder that Unit 4 Math Tests were sent home two days ago and to be returned signed! Please remember!

Mr. Hickey

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Today's work:
1) Computer Lab - Lyrics
2) Wind Spirit Chapters 9-10 (Questions for Chapter 9)
3) Math - Mid Unit Review - Page 210, #1-4
4) Assumption Concert

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, December 8th to 9th, 2008

Hello Again

Monday's work:
1) Completed 1 S.R.A. (#5) for term 2
2) Math - worked on Lessons 5.2-5.3
3) Language Power - Lessons 23-24
4) Wind Spirit - read Chapter 8

Tuesday's work:
1) Finish and hand in Lessons 5.2-5.3 Math
2) Finish and hand in Lessons 23-26 Language Power
3) Computer Lab - Type up Chapters 6-8 Wind Spirit
4) Holiday Title Page

Friday, December 05, 2008

Decorating the room!

Wednesday to Friday, December 3rd to 5th, 2008

The one thing I must say is that the work, behaviour, and attitude with our class over the past few days, HAS BEEN OUTSTANDING! I have even had rotary teachers commenting on how great all of these things have been! Let's keep it up as we only have a couple of weeks until our break and it allows us to get sooooo much more accomplished during class time!

Also we are having a Secret Santa in our class. Names were drawn and students are to buy a gift and have it here by Wednesday, December 17th.

Wednesday's work:
1) Spelling Exercises Lesson 9
2) Math take up Lesson 5.1

Thursday's work:
1) Literacy Power - O Siem (all questions)
2) 5.2 - Inferring and Evaluating - Questions 1-6 Group work, Question 7 Homework
3) Draw Secret (but not so secret with this class) Santa names!

Friday's work:
1) Computer Lab
a) Finish typing Chapter 1-6 answers for Wind Spirit (print off)
b) make sure Question 7 for homework is complete
c) O Siem due
d) some free time if all is complete
2) Math finish 5.2 Group work
3) Wind Spirit Chapter 7 and questions

Mr. Hickey

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, December 1st to 2nd, 2008

Monday's work:
1) Math started Lesson 5.1 - Census vs Sample
2) Spelling Lesson 9 - Dictionary
3) Wind Spirit Chapter 6
4) Computer Lab

Tuesday's work:
1) Math started Lesson 5.1 - homework
2) Spelling finished Dicationary and started senteces (homework)
3) Completed 4th S.R.A. for term 2

Mr. Hickey