Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wednesday, September 30th, 2015

1) Math Minute #10 (take up #11)
2) Agenda
3) Reflex Math - until green light
4) Bitstrips for School - complete assignments
5) Math Test Unit 1
6) Phys Ed. - Floor Hockey

A reminder to bring in your TOONIES FOR TERRY or your pledge sheets/money for the Terry Fox Run/Walk tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Monday - Tuesday, September 28th to 29th, 2015

1) Math Minute #9
2) Language Power - up to Lesson 9 Idioms
3) Unit Review Textbook (continue to study for test)
4) Roots of Empathy - Post Visit
5) Art -

1) Math Minute #10 (start 11)
2) JOURNAL - If you could live inside any video game, which would you choose?  Why?
3) Unit Review Textbook (finish)
4) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Stories
5) Geography -

Terry Fox Run/Walk has been moved to Thursday due to weather.  Please remember to bring in your pledge sheets and money.  Thanks

Friday, September 25, 2015

Wednesday - Friday, September 23rd to 25th, 2015

1) MacLab - Reflex Math, Bitstrips for School
2) graphic stories or library novels
3) Art - mosaic

1) Library - exchange novels if needed and independent reading
2) 1.4 Exponents, Pages 14-15 (finish)
     1.5 Number Patterns, Pages 16-17 (start)
3) Language Power - Lesson 5 - Suffixes
                                   Lesson 6 - Contractions
                                   Lesson 7 - Compound Words
4) Geography - colour maps of Cod Fishing

1) Agenda - catch up
2) Math Minute #7 (take up) - finish #8
3) Math - Unit Review Textbook - Pages 34-36, #1-20 (study for your test this weekend)
              - Practice and Homework book should be completed to end of 1.5
4) 2nd Language

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

1) Math Minute #5 - take up (finish 6)
2) Agenda
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Write a Graphic Story - continue character, setting, problem, solution development
4) Math - finish 1.3 Squares and Square Roots
5) Reading Buddies
6) Phys. Ed. -

A reminder to bring in your Terry Fox Forms and donations.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Monday, September 21st, 2015

1) Math Minute #4 (take up) finish #5
2) Agenda
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Write a Graphic Story - Pages 3-5
4) 1.3 Square and Square Roots, Pages 11-13, #1-8
5) Roots of Empathy
6) Geography

Friday, September 18, 2015

TGIF, September 18th, 2015

1) Math Minute #3 complete (working on #4 if finished)
2) Agenda
3) Terry Fox Movie - complete Inspirational Shoe Design
4) Math - 1.3 Square and Square Roots - Practice and Homework Book - Pages 11-13, #1-8
5) Reading Buddies - Miss Coe
6) Art -

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Reebok Terry Tate Super Bowl commercial

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

1) Library - Math Practice and Homework Book (complete 1.2)
2) Reflex Math
3) Agenda
4) Independent Reading Library Novel
5) Terry Fox- Shoe Design
6) Phys. Ed. - Heart Rate - Fitness Testing

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

1)Math Minute take up #2 (finish #3)
2) Agenda
3) Reflex Math - until green light
4) Bitstrips for School
5) Math 1.2 (check homework #1-3) finish 4-8 - then start Practice and Homework Book 1.2, Pages 8-10, #1-8
6) Geography -

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

1) Agenda - complete and hand in to Mrs. Hill (a reminder you need signed by parent/guardian at least once a week)
2) Math Minute #2 finish (start #3)
3) Extra Extra Read All About Me (due today)
4) Math - 1.2 Factors and Multiples (finish Textbook and start Workbook)
5) Hitting The Road - Novel Study
6) Art -

Reminder to hand in PALS forms if interested!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, September 14th, 2015

1) Agenda - catch up
2) Journal - Talk about some things that you did over the summer...
3) Math Minute #2
4) Math - 1.2 Factors and Multiples - Textbook, Pages 14-17, #1-10
5) Language Power - Lesson #3 Homographs, Lesson #4 Prefixes, Lesson #5 Suffixes
6) Roots of Empathy (pre visit - introduction Baby Miles)
7) Phys. Ed. - 3 Pitch

Thursday, September 10th to Friday, September 11th, 2015

1) David Bouchard - Presentation in gym
2) Library - Numbers All Around Us 1.1 - Pages 6-7, #1-5 (homework)
3) Catch up period (Extra Extra Read All About Me - Due Tuesday, Sept. 15th)
4) Geography -

PD Day

-School Handbooks sent home - please make sure to look over

Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Wednesday, September 9th, 2015

1) Math Minute #1
2) Agenda
3) Math Practice and Homework Book (Skills You'll Need) hand in for marking
4) MacLab - Reflex Math
5) Extra Extra Read All About Me
6) Language Power - take up Lessons 1 and 2
7) Computers -

A reminder that there is Meet the Staff tonight from 4:30-6:00.  Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend due to a prior commitment.  Students and Parents are still welcome to come as there will be other teachers to meet and displays set up at the front of the school.  Please call the school or email the blog if you would like to meet at a later date.
M. Hickey

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Tuesday, September 8th, 2015

1) agenda
2) finish OCA Tsunami
3) Extra Extra Read All About Me
4) Skills You'll Need (Practice and Homework Book) - Pages 2-5, #1-9
5) Journal - What did you do over the summer??
6) Health - introduction and set up booklet

Friday, September 04, 2015

Friday, September 4th, 2014

1) Agenda - complete and hand in to Mrs. A. Hill for marking
2) Paper Bag Presentations
3) Unit 1  Math - Skills You'll Need - Textbook - Pages 6-9, # #1-11
                          - Practice and Homework Book - Skills You'll Need Pages 2-5 all questions (homework for weekend)
4) Extra Extra Read All About Me
5) Geography

Thursday, September 03, 2015

Thursday, September 3rd, 2015

1) agenda
2) Library - introduction - set a goal for this term/year (PAC MAN)
3) Math - Unit 1 - definitions, Skills You'll Need in Textbook
4) OCA - Tsunami 
5) Art - 

A reminder to bring in any forms still needed and Paper Bag assignment if not completed today.
Also a reminder that you will need your 5 items, paper bag and your assessment sheet for tomorrow.  

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

1) complete agenda
2) MacLab - assign computers, rules
3) Language Power - Lesson 1 - Synonyms and Antonyms, Lesson 2 - Homonyms, Lesson 3 - Homographs (homework if not completed)
4) Phys. Ed. - outdoor soccer

A reminder to bring in all Forms sent home on Monday.

Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Monday, August 31st to Tuesday, September 1st, 2015

1) Edge of the Woods - Welcome
2) classroom introductions
3) 2nd Language -
4) information sheet
5) Art - hot/cold colour sheet

1) set up workbooks
2) Math Assessment #1
3) 2nd Language -
4) Language Power
5) Geography - Miss Graham

A reminder to bring in all sheets that were sent home.  Also a reminder to have your agenda signed this week.