Friday, September 28, 2012

Wednesday - Friday, Sept. 26th to 28th, 2012

Thanks to all of the parents/guardians that showed up for meet the teacher.  It was great to see such support this year!

1) MacLab - continued typing Mystery
                - finished Bitstrips for Schools
2) started Unit Review - Pages 34-36, #1-10
3) Phys. Ed.

1) Library - worked on Terror 911 - DUE MONDAY, OCTOBER 1ST
                - computers Caribou Math Contest Practice
2) Math - finish Math Review - Study for Test Monday
3) Art - Mosaics Due - started Just Dance

1) Terry Fox Marathon Of Hope Movie and Assignment (writing, reading, media)
and Terror 911 Unit DUE TUESDAY.
Geography -

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

1) Extra Extra Read All About Me - Due Today (complete and coloured)
2) Hand in completed Practice and Homework Book (Unit 1)
3) Unit Review Textbook - continue
4) Terror 911 - continue reading and finishing worksheets (Due by Friday, Sept. 28th)
5) Geography -

Meet the Teacher Tonight - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Monday, September 24, 2012

Monday, September 24th, 2012

1) MacLab - start typing rough draft of Mystery
2) Math - finish 1.5 Workbook if incomplete and start Unit Review-Pages 34-36, #1-20 & Practice Test-Page 37, 1-10
3) Art - mosaic

Friday, September 21, 2012

TGIF - Friday, September 21st, 2012

1) Math finish 1.5 textbook and then start workbook (homework if incomplete)
Kendra Squires is the best :D.
2) catch up period - things to work on: Terror 911, Mysteries, poster design for Tribes Agreements, or any other work (ie rotary or culture class)
3) Homework - watch the Bills beat the Browns on Sunday at 1:00pm!!!
4) Phys. Ed. - skipping, stretch, soccer (passing and receiving), then indoor game

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thursday, September 20th, 2012

1) Library - exchange novel - can read Terror 911 if behind
2) Math 1.5 - Number Patterns - Pages 28-31, #1-8 (9 Bonus)
     Practice and Homework Book 1.5 due by Monday
3) Writing Sense - continue rough draft of Mystery
4) Geography -
Remember gym clothes for tomorrow!  And Pizza Money.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

4 Tribes Agreements

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

1) check homework (math 1.4 questions & writing sense) and agenda
2) MacLab - finish Bitstrips for Schools (assignment and avatar)
3) create Tribes 4 Agreements poster
4) start typing rough copy of Mystery if Planning questions are complete
5) Math 1.4 practice and homework book
6) Art - mosaics

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Monday - Tuesday, September 17th to 18th, 2012

1) Library with Miss Fazzari
2) Math Textbook - Unit 1.4 Exponents -Explore, Page 23 - created cubes using linking squares
(many students had to finish Mid Unit Review for homework)
3) Writing Sense - started Mysteries, Pages 28-31, started our Settings and Characters
4) Geography - wordsearch on sports, used Smartboard

1) Terror 911 Novel Study - title page and continue reading
2) continue with Unit 1.4 in textbook, Pages 23 to 26, #1-11 (homework if not complete)
3) continue with Writing Sense Mysteries - Planning = setting, conflict, characters, and plot (if not complete is homework) - if done start Drafting
4) Phys. Ed. - finish our goal setting tests - pushups, sit-ups, reach & stretch, cardio heart recovery rate, set two more goals
-indoor soccer

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to J.C. Hill School.  Our goal this year is to utilize the blog as a tool for communication and organization in the 7-3 class and throughout the school.  I will try to keep the blog as up-to-date as possible with classwork, assignments/homework, important dates, and other things that are happening in the school (ie. pictures, video, work).  Your job is to CHECK the BLOG frequently!  In class every Wednesday morning we will be checking the blog in class.  You can also check at home if you have internet.  Hopefully we can make the blog a successful tool this year!!!
Mr. Hickey