Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wednesday to Friday, December 18th to 20th, 2013

1) Secret Santa Gift Exchange and Class Party

1) School Skate and Hockey Game
2) Dance

1) Movie - The Hobbit

Monday - Tuesday, December 16th to 17th, 2013

1) Awards Assembly
2) finish incomplete work
3) Geography - movie and colour

1) catch up agenda
2) email Pen Pal letters
3) Reflex Math
4) finish incomplete work
5) Phys. Ed. - Mixed Double Badminton Tournament


Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13th, 2013

1) Math Minute #51
2) Survey
3) Agenda
4) Language Power - take up Lessons - continue with 18-21
5) 4.2 Adding Fractions Using Models, Pages 124-127, #1-14
6) finish Elf Letters/work on Iqbal (due Tuesday - no later)
7) Art -

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Wednesday - Thursday, December 11th to 12th, 2013

1) School Social
2) Elf Letters
3) Geography -

1) Elf Letters - finish good copy
2) Math - 4.2 Adding Fractions Using Models, Pages 124-127, #1-14
3) Iqbal - continue with questions due tomorrow


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Monday - Tuesday, December 9th to 10th, 2013

1) Math Minute #49
2) Language Power Lessons 16-17
3) finish 4.1 Combining Fractions
4) continue working on Iqbal (a reminder they are due Friday)
5) Phys. Ed.

1) PenPal Letters (type)
2) X-Mas Letters
3) Art

Thursday - Friday, December 5th to 6th, 2013

1) Math Minute #47
2) Fractions and Decimals Unit 4 - Just For Fun Page 69, Skills You'll Need Pages 70-73, #1-6
3) Literacy Power - The Painter and the Judge - During Reading - complete story map & A-D
4) Art

1) Math Minute #48
2) Language Power - Lessons 13-15
3) 4.1 Combining Fractions - Explore
4) catch up period
5) Geography

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Tuesday to Wednesday, December 3rd to 4th, 2013

1) Language Power - Lessons 11-12
2) Math - Unit Review Textbook, Pages 106-108. #1-13 (skip #3)
3) Iqbal - Chapter 14 - The Prize (and questions)
4) Geography - Test - Climate and Tsunamis

1) Reflex Math
2) finish typing your Newspaper Story and email
3) Iqbal - Chapter 15 - The Letter (final chapter) - All Chapter questions/activities are due by December 13th that we worked on.
4) Phys. Ed. - handball or ultimate frisbie

Yearbook Orders $25 remember to bring in.

Monday, December 02, 2013

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

1) continue in Language Power - caught up to page 14
2) Math - finish Unit Review in Workbook and Textbook - hand and marked
3) Roots of Empathy - visit Planning and Caring - baby Comyn
4) Art -

Wednesday - Friday, November 27th-29th, 2013

1) MacLab - Reflex Math, start typing Newspaper Story - Ontario Writing 7, Bitstrips for Schools
2) Newspaper Story - Chapter 13 Iqbal
3) Art-

1) Catching Fire - Movie
2) Geography -

1) Math Minute #43
2) Unit Review - Pages 65-68, #1-6
3) read Library novels
4) Phys. Ed - variety of games

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Monday to Tuesday, Movember 25th to 26th, 2013

1) Math Minute #39
2) Literacy Power - Why Do I Laugh? -A-D
3) Math Workbook - Pages 55-57, #1-5
4) Iqbal - Chapter 12 THe Warning
5) Geography - catch up period

1) Math Minute #40
2) agenda
3) Language Power - catch up
4) 3.5 Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism - Pages 58-60, #1-5
5) Roots of Empathy - Caring and Planning for Baby - Pre Visit
6) Health - Brenda Sheill - Growth and Development

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thursday - Friday, Movember 21st to 22nd, 2013

1) Library - Reflex and Bitstrips
2) P.A.R.T.Y forms
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Create Newspaper Story (homework if not done)
4) Volleyball

1) Math Minute #38
2) Ontario Writing 7 - Write A Newspaper Story (proofread and have someone else proofread)
3) Mid Unit Review Textbook - Unit 3
4) Independent Reading
5) Art

4) MOVIE AND $15

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday, Movember 20th, 2013

1) MacLab - Reflex Math
2) catch up agenda
3) finish - Math Nets and Good Copy of Questions, Dirt Detective Mystery and email
4) Bitstrips for Schools or any other work which needs caught up (ie. Language Project, Geography, Math, etc...)
5) Chapter 11 - Iqbal - Freedom
6) Rotary - Presentation in Gym

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Tuesday, Movember 19th, 2013

1) Math Minute #37
2) Reflex Math
3) agenda
4) Dirt Detective Mystery (needs to be emailed this week!)
5) Math - finish good copy for 3.3 questions and hand in nets for marking
6) Iqbal - Chapter 10
7) Art -


Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday, Movember 18th, 2013

1) Math Minute #36
2) agenda
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Write A Newspaper Report
4) finish Nets from 3.3 and questions (hand in group or individual good copy)
5) Roots of Empathy - Crying - Post Family Visit
6) Chapter 10 - The Handout - Iqbal
7) Phys. Ed. - Volleyball


Friday, November 15, 2013

Wednesday to Friday, MOVEMBER 13th to 15th, 2013

1) P.A.R.T.Y. trip to Brantford

1) Library - Bitstrips for School/Library Novels
2) catch up
3) STACK UP 2013

1) Math Minute #35
2) continue working on Iqbal Chapter Questions up to Chapter 8
3) finish Nets from 3.3 in Textbook  (3.4 Workbook if nets are complete)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Monday - Tuesday, Movember 11th to 12th, 2013

1) Remembrance Day Assembly
2) 3.2 Sketching Solids and 3.3 Building Objects from Nets Pages 49-54
3) Chapter 8 Iqbal and Questions
4) Art - Performed Dances

1) Math Minute 34
2) catching up agendas
3) MacLab - first complete Reflex Math, then continue typing Mystery and then you can work on Bitstrips for Schools
4) 3.3 Building Objects from Nets - Textbook
5) Roots of Empathy - Baby Comyn Visit
6) Geography

Friday, Movember 8th, 2013

1) Remembrance Day Package
2) 3.2 Sketching Solids - Pages 84-87, #1-7
3) Volleyball - Phys. Ed.

Thursday, November 07, 2013

Thursday, Movember 7th, 2013

1) Math Minute #31
2) agenda
3) Library - Reflex Math, independent reading, Bitstrips for Schools, catch up period
4) Math - 3.1 Workbook
5) Remembrance Day Activities
6) Geography -

A reminder to bring in your P.A.R.T.Y. forms and Report Card Comment Slip

Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Wednesday, Movember 6th, 2013

1) Math Minute #30
2) agenda
3) Reflex Math
4) Bitstrips for Schools - Remembrance Day Activity
5) start typing up Dirt Detective Mystery - AT LEAST ONE PAGE!!!!
6) Newspaper Story Iqbal - Chapter 7
7) Art - 

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Monday - Tuesday, November 4th-5th, 2013

1) Literacy Power - Dirt Detective A-D
2) Math - Geometry and Measurement - Key Words, Skills You'll Need - Textbook and Workbook
3) Iqbal - Chapter 6
4) Geography - movie Day After Tomorrow

1) finish Literacy Power - Dirt Detective
2) 3.1 Math - Sketching Views of Solids - Pages 78-81, #1-9
3) Roots of Empathy - Crying - Pre Visit
4) Health - Nutrition - Lisa Dietrich Presentation

Please Remember to Bring in Progress Report Comment Sheet

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday, October 30th, 2013

1) skip Math Minute today
2) agenda
3) poetry - last day to email
4) Reflex Math -
5) finish all incomplete work (math reviews and Halloween Unit)
6) Iqbal - Chapter 5 - The Revenge
7) Math Test - Unit 2
8) Phys. Ed. - Speed Stacking Cycle

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

1) Math Minute #27
2) Reflex Math
3) Math - Unit Review - Textbook
             - Unit Review - Workbook
4) Halloween Unit and Decorating
5) Geography -

P.A.R.T.Y. Forms (Prevent Alcohol and Risk Related Trauma in Youth - Pink Sheet) November 13, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Friday, October 25th and Monday, October 28th, 2013

1) Language Power finish Review and Using What You've Learned Pages 10-13
     - continue with Lessons 10-11 if complete
2) Unit Review Textbook - Pages 69-70, #1-9
3) Halloween Unit - continue with Colouring Contest, Poetry, Cursive Writing, etc...
4) Phys. Ed. - back to class to continue Halloween Unit

1) Math Minute #26
2) Newspaper Story - Chapter 4 - The Artist
3) Unit Review Textbook Math - complete if not finished
     Ontario Writing 7 - Poster Design
4) Halloween Unit - continue
5) Roots of Empathy - Post Family Visit - Meeting The Baby
6) Art - Dance Groups

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24th, 2013

1) Math Minute #24
2) Library - Reflex Math and Library Novels
3) Math finish 2.5 in Workbook and hand in
4) Ontario Writing 7 - finish Design A Flyer
5) Halloween Package
6) Geography

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013

1) Math Minute #23
2) Agenda caught up
3) Reflex Math
4) Poetry good copy complete and emailed to jchillhickey@gmail.com
5) Bitstrips for Schools -Halloween Activities
6) Math - Workbook complete and handed in to end of 2.5
7) Chapter 3 - Iqbal
8) Art -

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Class Pic 2013

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

1) MacLab - Reflex Math - until green light
2) catch up Bitstrips for Schools
3) Math - finish 2.4 from yesterday
             - start 2.5 What Is A Rate - 37-39, #1-6
4) Newspaper Article - Chapter 2 - The Arrival
5) Phys. Ed. - Speed Stacking Introduction

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21st, 2013

1) Math Minute #22
2) Agenda
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Design a Flyer - good copy continue
4) Roots of Empathy - Baby Comyn Visit
5) Math - 2.4 Applications of Ratios, Pages 58-61, #1-6 Textbook
6) Newspaper Article - Iqbal Chapter 2
7) Geography -

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October 18th, 2013

1) Math Minute #21
2) Agenda
3) Journal - What is your favourite Halloween costume(s) of all time?  Describe why it was your favourite!  What is the best Halloween costume you have ever seen?  Describe the costume.
4) Math - hand in Math Mid Unit Review if it hasn't been marked yet.
5) Ontario Writing 7 - Poster Design - continue with good copy
6) Halloween Colouring Contest
7) Art -

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 17th, 2013

1) Math Minute #20
2) Library - Reflex Math and Independent Reading
3) Math Textbook - Mid Unit Review - Page 57, #1-7
4) Newspaper Story - Chapter 1
5) Health - Addictions Presentation - Debora Martin

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013

1) Math Minute #19
2) Agenda - up to date
3) Poetry handout completed
4) Math Workbook Completed up to 2.3

5) MacLab - Reflex Math
                   - type up good copy of Poetry and email
6) Newspaper Story - Iqbal - Chapter 1 - The Workshop
7) Geography -

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15th, 2013

1) Math Minute #18
2) Agenda
3) Set a goal(s) for Term 2
4) finish 2.2 Equivalent Ratios in Workbook and start 2.3 Comparing Ratios in Workbook
5) Design A Flyer - Ontario Writing 7 - Pages 12-14
6) Art -

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 10th, 2013 - Friday, October 11th, 2013

1) Math Minute #16
2) agenda
3) Library - Reflex Math - independent reading
4) Math Workbook - 2.2 and 2.3
5) Scooby Doo - Mysteries - start rough copy in Writing Sense
6) Geography -

1) Math Minute #17
2) agenda
3) Social
4) continue writing Mystery
5) Phys. Ed. - volleyball

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

1) Math Minute #15
2) agenda
3) MacLab - to get computer you must be done:
a) PenPal Letter good copy
b) Literacy Power - The Mystery of Easter Island A, B, and D
c) 2.1 complete and marked in Workbook
d) agenda is CAUGHT UP!!
e) Reflex Math
f) free time
4) Geo Boards and connecting units
5) Art -

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013

1) Math Minute #14
2) Agenda
3) Writing Sense - Start Mysteries - Pages 28-32
4) Math - What Is A Ratio - Workbook - Pages 25-27, #1-7
5) Literacy Power - The Mystery of Easter Island - A-E
6) Health - Brenda Sheill - Growth and Development Presentation

Monday, October 07, 2013

Monday, October 7th, 2013

1) Math Minute # 13
2) agenda
3) Reflex Math - 15 minutes
4) 2.1 What Is A Ratio - finish Textbook Pages 45-48, #1-8 from Friday then complete workbook
5) finish Poetry Assignment and Good Copy of PenPal Letter
6) Geography -

Friday, October 04, 2013

Friday, October 4th, 2013

1) agenda caught up (I need to sign)
2) Math Minute #12
3) finish Good Copy of PenPal Letters
4) 2.1 - What Is A Ratio?
5) Art -

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday, September 30th, 2013

1) Math Minute #9
2) agenda
3) Language Power -Lessons 4-5, Prefixes and Suffixes
4) Math Test -Unit 1
5) Independent Reading
6) Phys. Ed. - Fitness Test continued

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27th, 2013

1) Math Minute # 8
2) Assignments that are overdue:
a) graphic stories
b) Terror 911 - complete novel and answer all worksheets
c) Terry Fox Doodle Art
3) Math - finish Unit Review in Textbook for Unit 1
4) Terry Fox Walk/Run


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Wednesday - Thursday, September 25th to 26th, 2013

1) catch up agenda from blog if needed
2) Reflex Math
3) finish Bitstrip for Schools Assignment
4) Math - Unit Review in Textbook - Pages 35-36, #1-20
5) Phys Ed. -

1) Library a) Reflex Math, b) Terror 911, c) independent reading
2) finish Math - Unit Review in Textbook from yesterday
3) finish Terry Fox Doodle Art and Think Pair Share if incomplete
4) Art

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013 - Day 2

1) Math Minute #5
2) Terry Fox Doodle Art
3) Math - complete 1.5 (if incomplete)
4) finish Terror 911 - reading novel and activities
5) Geography

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

1) Terry Fox - Marathon of Hope movie
2) Math - 1.5 Number Patterns
3) Art -

A reminder that Graphic Stories were due on Friday.  Make sure to hand in today!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20th, 2013

1) Math Minute - #3
2) Journal -My pet...(if you don't have a pet, write about a pet you would like to have) 
3) Presentation - Social Development
4) Math - 1.4 Exponents, Pages 14-15, #1-7
5) catch up period
6) Phys. Ed. - Fitness Testing

PS - A special thanks to all of the parents/guardians who came out last night to meet the teacher.  Your support in the school is much appreciated.
M. Hickey

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

1) Library - independent reading
2) Math - finish Mid Unit Review
              - 1.4 in Workbook
3) Graphic Stories
4) Geography

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

1) Math Minute - Minute 1
2) MacLab - Reflex Math - Bitstrips for Schools - Factor and Multiple
3) Graphic Stories - due by Friday
4) Terror 911
5) Art - mosaics

Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

1) complete agendas for today and catch up any missed days
2) when agenda is complete you can log on to your computer: a) Reflex Math (15 min), then b) Bitstrips for Schools
3) Math - continue with 1.3 in workbook and start 1.4
4) Graphic Stories - continue working on good copy
5) Phys. Ed. - Health Title Page and kickball

Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday, September 16th, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Stories work on good copy (due by Friday)
2) finish Factor Game
     -1.3 Practice and Homework Book
3) continue reading Terror 911, Chapters 7-10
4) Geography -

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13th, 2013

1) pizza money - immunization forms - dental forms
2) Terror 911 - read chapters 3-6
3) Math - finish Factor Game
             - 1.3 Textbook continue
4) Name Plates finish
5) Graphic Stories - continue (due next Friday)

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1) Library - Read Chapters 2-3 Terror 911, read library novel, work on Reflex Math
2) Math 1.3 - Squares and Square Roots, Pages 19-21, #1-10
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Story - continue
4) Phys. Ed. -

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Reflex Math

Dear Parents/Guardians:
A letter has been sent home regarding the use of the Reflex Math Program.   I encourage you to please read over the letter and access the free Reflex Parent Reporting Account if you have internet.  This is a program which our students are using in the school to help with multiplication and division facts.  It is also a program which students are able to use at home.  If you have any questions please give me a call at the school.
M. Hickey

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

1) make sure your agenda is caught up - use the blog if necessary
2) Reflex Math
3) Graphic Stories - Ontario Writing 7 - can use the internet for research
4) Math - 1.2 in Practice and Homework Book
5) Geography

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

1) Terror 911 Novel
2) Math - check Math homework 1.2 - #1-5
             - continue with 1.2 in Textbook and Workbook
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Story
4) Art -

Monday, September 09, 2013

Monday, September 9th, 2013

1) Name Sheet
2) Math - continue with 1.2 Factors and Multiples Pages 14-17 #1-10
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Graphic Stories continue from Thursday
4) Phys. Ed - warm up, stretch, indoor soccer

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

1) Library
2) Math - finish up 1.1 in both Textbook and Workbook
3) Language Power - Lessons 2-4
4) Geography

A reminder to bring in:
a) immunization forms
b) dental forms
c) 3 Pitch Forms

Wednesday, September 04, 2013

Wednesday, September 4th, 2013

1) Classwork/Homework is everything complete???
a) Extra Extra Worksheet - complete and neat
b) Math - Skills You'll Need - Practice and Homework Workbook

2) Computer Lab - finish Bitstrips For Schools assignment

3) continue with Math 1.1 in Textbook and start 1.1 in Practice and Homework Book

4) Art -

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Tuesday, September 3rd, 2013

1) Literacy Power - The Sticks of Truth - A-D (use pink exercise book)
2) Math - finish Skills You'll Need (Practice and Homework Book)
             - start 1.1 Numbers All Around Us - Textbook - Pages 10-13, #1-12
3) Ontario Writing 7
4) Phys. Ed - Routines/Rules

Friday, August 30, 2013

Friday, August 30th, 2013

1) OCA - Tsunami
2) Math - complete Skills You'll Need in Textbook and Workbook
3) Extra Extra Read All About Me - Due Monday Now
4) Name Plate
5) Geography

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Thursday, August 29th, 2013

1) Brown Bag Presentations - talk about your five items answering the questions
2) Math - Unit 1 - Patterns and Whole Numbers - What You'll Learn, Key Words and Definitions         Pages 4-5
- Textbook - Skills You'll Need - Pages 6-9, # 1-11
- Workbook - Pages 2-5, #1-9
3) Writing Portfolio - finish Read All About Me Sheet (due tomorrow)

Language Power - Lesson 1 (due tomorrow)

- dental, immunization, and some have registration forms

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day Using Computer Lab

Wednesday, August 28th, 2013

1) MacLab introduction, assign computers, jchillschool blog
2) 2nd Language
3) continue working on Extra Extra Read All About Me (due Friday)
4) Health - go over expectations and what we are covering

Brown Bag assignment - presentations start tomorrow

Immunization forms
Yellow Registration Forms

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday, August 27th, 2013

Day 2
1) Textbooks and Workbook handout
2) Journal - What did you do over the summer???
3) Math Quiz
4) Math Textbook - Math Makes Sense 7
5) 2nd Language -
6) Extra Extra - Read All About Me
7) Geography - Ms. Graham

Homework - Brown Bag Assignment

Welcome to Class 7-3!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday, June 11th, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 and Ariadne and the Magic Thread - finish any incomplete activities (hand in for marking)
2) Math - continue with unit 10
3) Science / Grade 6 Orientation

A reminder to bring in PenPal Permission forms and Wonderland forms/money if you are interested in going.

Lacrosse Tournie tomorrow @ ILA or behind the community centre

Monday, June 10, 2013

Monday, June 10th, 2013

1) MacLab - Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Culminating Activity - create a slideshow for a newspaper
2) Math - continue with Unit 10
3) History

Friday, June 07, 2013

Tuesday - Friday, June 4th to 7th, 2013

1) Library - Bitstrips, Reflex Math, Independent Reading
2) Unit 10 -Patterning and Algebra - Just For Fun and Skills You'll Need
3) Ontario Writing 7 - The Complex Sentence and Sentence Variety - Pages 64-66
4) Computers - free time

1) MacLab - Bitstrips, Reflex Math, Poetry
2) Newspapers - Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 14
3) History - watched video and draw important parts

1) Library - Reflex Math, Bitstrips, Independent Reading
2) Math - Number Patterns 10.1 - Pages 202-205, #1-9
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Subject Verb Agreement - Page 67
                                 - Parts of a Paragraph - Page 68
4) Science - Greenhouse Effects

1) catch up period
2) BBQ
3) Hawaiian Day Activities

Monday, June 03, 2013

Monday, June 3rd, 2013


1) Agenda - last day to catch up and hand in for final May marks
2) Reflex Math - Bitstrips for Schools
3) Poetry (few missing still) - and Patterns
4) Math Test Unit 9
5) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 14 Marooned
6) Science

Friday, May 31, 2013

Thursday - Friday, May 30th - 31st, 2013

1) LEAP McMaster Conference
(or workroom)

1) Library
a) Reflex Math
b) finish unit 9 in workbook - 9.6 and Unit Review
c) poetry - Midnight Poem (last day to hand in good copy and OW7)
d) Mohawk assignments
e) dot paper design (last day to hand in)
f) independent reading

2) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - create medallions

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

How To Make Air Hardening Clay

How to Make Air Hardening Clay Materials Needed for Clay:
2 cups flour
vegetable oil
1 cup salt
cookie cutter
large bowl
coffee mug
1 cup hot tap water
ball point pen
food coloring
large spoon
wax paper
airtight container
rolling pin
1. Pour the flour and salt into a large bowl. Stir them together with your hands or a spoon.
2. Place a drop or two of your favorite food coloring shade into the cup of hot water. Stir gently with a
3. Pour the hot water into the flour and salt mixture a little at a time, stirring the ingredients with a large
spoon or your hands until it reaches a dough-like consistency throughout and the color has blended into
the dough.
Optional: Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil for a smoother dough.
Add another drop or two of food coloring to make the dough colour more prominent.
4. Place a sheet of wax paper on the table. Grab a hunk of dough and flatten it onto the wax paper. Roll it with a rolling pin to create flat shapes.
5. Use a cookie cutter or inverted containers such as a coffee mug or plastic food storage container to cut specific shapes. Use a toothpick to poke a hole near the top of each cutout shape. A string will be threaded through this hole later.
To Make a Medallion
6. You can make a medallion from a round, square or rectangular shape. Simply use a ballpoint pen to draw your design into the dough. You may wish to use one or more of the ancient hieroglyphics found on black line master 8 to create a medallion.
7. Let the clay dry on the wax paper and then pant with tempera or acrylic paint if desired. Note, it may take several days to dry depending on the thickness of your creations.
8. Any extra clay mixture can be kept in an airtight container.
To Make Ornaments
You can also use this clay to make special ornaments for gifts or home décor. You can create your shapes using cookie cutters, inverted cups or inverted plastic containers. If desired, use a ballpoint pen to draw a design in each shape. Let dry and then paint if desired.

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

1) MacLab - Midnight Poetry (good copy completed on computer or by hand)
                  - Reflex Math (if needed)
                  - Bitstrips for Schools
                  - (4 missing Dot Pattern Sheets)
                  - free time
2) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 13
3) Science -

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Language Links continue working on... Pages 89-94
a) Similes, b) Metaphors, c) Personification, d) Alliteration, e) Onomatopoeia, d) Exaggeration
2) 9.4 Adding Integers With Tiles, Pages 187-188 (continue past if complete)
3) Midnight Poem due by tomorrow
4) Independent Reading - Library Novel or catch up Ariadne and the Magic Thread
5) History

A reminder that this is the last week to hand in your agenda for a mark on your report card.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, May 27th, 2013

1) Reflex Math or Bitstrips or Poetry (Midnight Poem)
2) 9.3 Representing Integers 9.3, Pages 185-186, #1-4
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Language Links - 1) Alliteration, 2) Onomatopoeia, 3) Exaggeration
4) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 12 Decisions
5) Computers -

A reminder to bring in LEAP (McMaster University) forms tomorrow!  LEAP is this Thursday, May 30th.

Wed. - Fri., May 22nd to 24th, 2013

1) Reflex Math and Bitstrips for Schools
2) Unit 9 - Integers - define key words
               - Skills You'll Need Page 180, #1
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 11 - read and complete questions
4) Computers - Anti-Bullying Bitstrips

1) Library - Reflex Math and Independent Reading
2) 9.1 What Is An Integer, Pages 181-182, #1-6
3) Ontario Writing 7 - Language Links, Pages 89-91, Similies, Metaphors, and Personification
4) History - discussion with Mr. Montour

1) Anti-Bullying Presentation
2) 9.2 Comparing and Ordering Integers, Pages 183-184
3) Naxos
4) Science - What Materials Absorb the Most Heat?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

1) finish Dot Paper Transformation Design
2) finish Unit 8 Workbook - any remaining questions
3) Math Test - Unit 8
4) Ontario Writing 7 - Before Midnight Poetry - Pages 52-53 - start good copy
5) Science

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday to Friday, May 16th to 17th, 2013

1) Library - Reflex Math and independent reading
2) Math 8.4 Circle Graphs Workbook
3) Computers - cyber-bullying

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Before Midnight Poem - Page 52
2) 8.5 Dividing to Find Percents, Pages 173-175, #1-8    and complete Dot Pattern
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - continue working on questions
4) History -

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

1) Historical Fiction Presentations
2) MacLab - Reflex Math and Bitstrips
3) 8.4 Drawing Circle Graphs, 170-72, #1-4
4) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 10
5) Science

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday to Tuesday, May 13th to 14th, 2013

Track and Field

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Pages 62-66 and Pages 82-84
2) 8.3 Multiplying Decimals to Find Percents, 168-169, #1-6
    8.4 Drawing Circle Graphs, 170-172, #1-4
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 9
4) Historical Fiction Presentations
5) History

Friday, May 10, 2013

Thursday to Friday, May 9th to 10th, 2013

1) Library - Reflex Math, Historical Fiction (3 days late) or Independent Reading
2) Math - take up Skills You'll Need - complete 8.1-8.2
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 8 and questions
4) History - webs on Canadian government (Conflict and Change)

1) Historical Fiction Presentations
2) Anti Bullying Presentation (s)
3) 8.3 Multiplying Decimals to Find Percent (168-169, #1-6)
4) continue working on Ariadne and the Magic Thread
5) Science -

Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Tuesday - Wednesday, May 7th to 8th, 2013

1) Library - Reflex Math / Historical Fiction (good copy) -late one day
2) Math - Unit 8 - Working With Percents - key words and Skills You'll Need in Textbook
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - catch up chapters 1-7 activities
4) Science - test

1) hand in good copy of Historical Fiction -two days late
2) Reflex Math (if needed)
3) free period on computers
4) Math  - Skills You'll Need - workbook
5) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 8
6) Computers -

Monday, May 06, 2013

Monday, May 6th, 2013

1) Library - Reflex Math and Independent Reading
2) Math Test Unit 7 - Hand in Workbook by the end of the day
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 7 and Questions
4) History -


Friday, May 03, 2013

Thursday to Friday, May 2nd to 3rd, 2013

1) Social in Gym
2) catch up period - Math finish Unit Review, Newspaper Story, Historical Fiction
3) Science - filtration (worksheets)

1) Historical Fiction - finishing up - due Monday
2) Math - finish Unit Review (study for test this weekend)
3) Newspaper - Dinosaur Discovery and Ariadne and the Magic Thread - catch up
4) Computers

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Tuesday, April 30th and Wednesday, May 1st

1) Historical Fiction - continue working on Good Copy
2) Unit Review Textbook, Pages 281-282, #1-6
3) catch up on Newspaper questions
4) Computers - evaluation of websites

1) MacLab
a) Reflex Math
b) catch up on Newspaper questions
                       Historical continue working on good copy
2) finish Unit Review in Textbook
3) Chapter 6 - Ariadne and the Magic Thread
4) History - history projects due today!

As was once said by a wise man (Mr. Jones), "GET ER DONE!"


Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday, April 29th, 2013

1) Reflex Math
2) Historical Fiction - good copy
3) Math - finish 7.5 Using Transformations to Make Designs (hand in workbook)
4) Chapter 5 - Ariadne and the Magic Thread
5) Science

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday, April 25th, 2013

1) Historical Fiction - finish rough copy, proofread, edit, start good copy
2) Math 7.5 Using Transformations to Make Designs - Pages 154-155, #1-3
3) Chapter 4 - Ariadne and the Magic Thread
4) History - finishing posters

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday, April 24th, 2013

1) MacLab - Slide Show, Historical Fiction, Bitstrips for Schools, Reflex Math, or catch up on needed work
2) Math 7.5 - Using Transformations to Make Designs - Pages 154-155, # 1-3
3) Ariadne and the Magic Thread - Chapter 3
4) Computers - make sure to save Slide Show to your GMAIL

A reminder that the District Science Fair is tomorrow @ ILTO.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013

1) Library - Historical Fiction - continue working on rough copy
2) Reflex Math
3) 7.4 Tiling Patterns, 152-53, #1-3
4) Newspaper Story - Ariadne and the Magic Thread Chapter 2
5) Walk A Thon / Science

Remember Science Fair Forms
Badminton Practice on Wednesday after school

Monday, April 22, 2013

Monday, April 22nd, 2013

1) Happy Earth Day
2) catch up agenda
3) Reflex Math
4) work on Historical Fiction or Slideshow
5) 7.4 Tiling Patterns, Page 152-153, #1-3
6) Newspaper Story - Ariadne and the Magic Thread
7) History - posters

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday, April 19th, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Historical Fiction - continue
2) Math - Mid Unit Review Textbook - Pages 260, #1-4
3) Newspaper Story - Chapter 1
4) catch up period
5) Computers - finish Slide Show

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wednesday - Thursday, April 17th and 18th, 2013

1) Reflex Math/Bitstrips and Slide Show
2) 7.3 Transformations - 149-151, #1-4
3) Language Power continue
4) History - poster on Chapters 1-6

1) Library - reading
2) Math Test - Unit 6
3) Newspaper Story and Historical Fiction
4) Science (launch rocket weather permitting)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013

1) Journal - Why do you think you would be a good pick for Eagle Camp???
2) catch up on: Math, Holes (3 activities from last week) or Language Power
3) take up Skills You'll Need and 7.1 in workbook
4) Newspaper - Serial Story - Ariadne and the Magic Thread
5) Computers - slide show

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15th, 2013

1) Reflex Math -
2) Math - starting 7.2
3) Journal - Why Do You Think You Deserve to Attend Eagle Camp???
4) catch up period
5) Science

Monday - Friday, April 8th to 12th, 2013

1) Reflex Math and finished Bitstrips for Schools
2) Unit 6 - Math Unit Review
3) Dialogue with Stanley

1) Language Power - Lessons 30-35
2) Science Presentation - McMaster
3) catch up period (Holes)

1) Career Posters (due)
2) Language Power (due) Lessons 30-35
3) Unit 7 Math - Pages 244-249, Key Words, P and H 139-142

1) share Science Fair Projects
2) finishing Holes worksheets
3) continued in P and H book pages 139-145

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Unit 12  - outline
2) Tiling the Plane/Tesselations
3) P and H - 146-147

Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2013

1) Recognition Assembly
2) Mac Lab - a) Reflex Math
                      b) finish Bitstrips for School
3) finish Flyers/Posters or 6.3 in Math Workbook
4) Computers

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Design a Flyer (good copy)
2) 6.3 Area and Perimeter of a Trapezoid - Pages 129-132, #1-6
3) Reading Response: A Dialogue with Stanley
4) Science

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wednesday, March 27th, 2013

1) Holes Novel Study is complete
2) Reflex Math
3) extra time on computers
4) Ontario Writing 7 - Flyer/Poster Design
5) Computers - finish presenting brochures

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday, March 26th, 2013

1) Holes movie (reminder that questions are due by Wednesday)
2) 6.2 Area of a Triangle
3) Design a Flyer
4) Science - design bridges

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday, March 25th, 2013

1) OCA- Ontario Comprehension Assessment - Tsunami
2) 6.2 - Area of a Triangle
3) Design a Flyer - Ontario Writing 7
4) History

A reminder that all clothing orders are due by this Thursday.
Scholastic Book Orders are due this week.

Wednesday to Friday, March 20th to 22nd, 2013

1) Western Track and Field Day

1) 6.1 Textbook and definitions
2) Holes - Chapters 41-45
3) Science - built bridges

1) Flyer/Poster - Ontario Writing 7 - Pages 12-14
2) Math Textbook/Workbook - Pages 217-220 and 123-128
3) Holes Chapters 46-50
4) Computers - presented brochures

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday, March 19th, 2013

1) MacLab - Reflex Math and Bitstrips for Schools
2) Area of a Parallelogram in Workbook 6.1, Pages 123 to 125, #1-6
3) Holes - Chapters 36-40 and questions
4) Computers

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday, March 18th, 2013

1) Library -
2) Area of a Parallelogram
3) Holes -Novel Study - Chapters 31-35
4) Science

Friday, March 8th, 2013

1) Language Power - Lessons 24-26
2) Measuring Perimeter and Area - Just for Fun - Page 121
                                                     - Skills You'll Need - Page 122
3) Computers - free time                                                    

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Tuesday to Wednesday, March 5th to 6th, 2013

1) White Pines Tour
2) Math Unit Problem continue Part 1 and 2
3) Health Career Fair in Gym

1) MacLab - Reflex Math 15 minutes
2) Math - Unit Problem - finish board to present tomorrow with your group
3) Science

Monday, March 04, 2013

Monday, March 4th, 2013

1) Reflex Math
2) Math - Unit Problem - Organizing a Winter Carnival - Pages 212-213 (present by Thursday)
3) Holes continue
4) Computers

Friday, March 01, 2013

Friday, March 1st, 2013

1) agenda (should have signature and complete)
2) Social
3) finish Math Test Unit 5
4) Science

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday, February 28th, 2013

1) agenda
2) finish movie Bully
3) Math Test - Unit 5
4) Holes - chapters 28-30
5) History

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 27th, 2013

1) hand in completed Math workbook up to end of Unit Review

2) MacLab
a) Reflex Math - until green light
b) type up poetry and forward to jchillhickey@gmail.com
c) Bitstrips for Schools

3) Holes chapters 23-27

4) Computers

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013

1) agenda - leave out to be signed
2) Movie - Bully
3) It's All About Me - Health Fair

PINK T-SHIRT DAY - Wear them all day to support anti-bully program.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday, February 25th, 2013

1) Reflex Math - until turns green
2) Poetry - finish rough work and start typing good copy for both Couplet and Quatrain
3) Math - Unit Review in workbook
4) Anti-Bullying Pledge
5) History


Friday, February 22, 2013

Thursday to Friday, February 21st to 22nd, 2013

1) Language Power - Lessons 25-26
2) 5.5 Applications of Mean, Median and Mode, Pages 111-113
3) Holes chapters questions up to 22 and took up
4) Science - Gizmos

1) Writing Sense Poetry - Couplets and Quatrains - 95-109
2) 5.5 Evaluating Data Analysis - Pages 114 to 116, #1-4
3) Wall of Anti-Bullying
4) Computers - Brochures

1) Agendas Need to Be Signed Weekly
2) Health Career Permissions Forms
3) Report Card - Student and Parent Forms

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tuesday - Wednesday, February 19th to 20th, 2013

1) catch up period - Car Decals, Math, Holes
2) Math - 5.5, Pages 198-201, #1-6
3) Computers - Brochures

1) if you are done:
a) speech
b) Math all caught up
c) Car Decals - good copy and Ontario Writing 7 is complete
you have free time on the computers
2) Holes - Chapters 18-22
3) History

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 19th, 2013

1) catch up on Math, Ontario Writing 7, Holes, or any other work needed
2) 5.5 Applications of Mean, Median and Mode Textbook - Page 198-201, #1-6
3) Holes continue with chapters 18-22
4) Computers

Wednesday - Thursday, Feb. 13th to 14th, 2013

1) MacLab - Reflex Math, Science Project Research, Bitstrips for Schools
2) Math - finish 5.3 in workbook (Stem and Leaf Plots) and 5.4 in workbook (Line Graphs)
3) History - Migration and notes

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Design Racing Car Decals (pages 15-19) and good copy
2) Mid Unit Review Textbook - Page 184, #1-4
3) catch up period
4) Valentines Dance

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday, February 12th, 2013

1) Car Decal Design (good copy due Thursday)
2) 5.4 Line Graphs
3) Holes - continue with chapter questions
4) Computers -

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, February 11th, 2013

Reflex Math
1) Car Decal Design
2) 5.3 Stem and Leaf Plots finish workbook if incomplete
3) Holes - Chapters 13 - 17 (audio) and complete questions
4) History

Thursday, February 07, 2013

Thursday, February 7th, 2013

1) PS...I Love You Activity
2) Math finish 5.2 and start 5.3 Workbook
3) Holes - Chapters 13-17
4) Computers

A reminder tomorrow is wear PURPLE DAY to represent standing up against bullying, helping end depression, and ultimately end suicide.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Wednesday, February 6th, 2013

1) Reflex Math 15-20 min
2) Ontario Writing 7 - Car Decal Design
3) 5.2 - finish - Textbook
4) Holes - Chapters 5-7 - take up and hand in Simile
5) Science -

Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013

1) Design Racing Car Decals - Ontario Writing 7 - Pages 15-19
2) 5.2 Recording Data - Pages 174-178, #1-7
3) Holes - take up Chapters 5-7 & Simile
4) History

Monday, February 04, 2013

Monday, February 4th, 2013

1) MacLab - Reflex Math
2) 5.2 Recording Data - Pages 174-178, #1-7
3) Holes - Chapters 8-12 finish questions and Simile
4) Computers

Friday, February 01, 2013

Thursday - Friday, January 31s to February 1st, 2013

1) Literacy Power - Strange Cartoon Lesson - Monday (due)
2) 5.1 Collecting Data, 169-171, #1-7
    5.1, 99-100, #1-6
3) Holes - Chapters 8-12, Reading Response (Simile), 8-12 Questions
4) Art - Just Dance 4

1) Speeches
2) finish 5.1
3) Holes finish 8-12 and Simile
4) Geography today

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wednesday, January 30th, 2012

1) MacLab
a) Reflex Math
b) Missing PenPal Letters
c) Speech Good Copy
2) Math - Skills You'll Need - completed and MARKED
a) can start 1.1 in Workbook if time
4) Phys. Ed. - Fitness Test #2, Yoga, Free Time

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tuesday, January29th, 2013

1) agenda
2) Journal - What did you do over Mid-Winter Break??
3) Can work on SPEECH or Practice Speech when journal is complete.
4) Math - Unit 5 Textbook - Skill's You'll Need - Page 168, #1
                           Workbook - Skill's You'll Need - Page 98, #1
5) Speeches
6) Geography

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thursday - Friday, January 17th to 18th, 2013

1) Speeches - finish introduction and start body of speech
2) Hockey Pictures
3) Health Presentation - Growth and Development

1) finish Hockey Picture
2) Speeches - working on Body and Conclusion 
3) Math - Unit 5 Data Management - Pages 97-100
4) Floor Hockey Game - Students vs Staff


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Tuesday - Wednesday, January 15th to 16th, 2013

1) Speeches - Introduction
2) Holes - chapters 5-7 and questions
3) Art - karaoke

1) MacLab
-PenPal Letters
-Reflex Math
2) take up Unit Review in Textbook
3) Geography

Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday, January 11th, 2013 and Monday, January 14th, 2013

1) Speeches - topic, research, and subtitles
2) Math - finish Unit 4 and study for test (Monday)
3) Holes - finish chapter 1-4 questions
4) karaoke in Mr. Shognosh's room
5) Geography - finishing worksheets on__________

1) MacLab - Reflex Math until green light
                  - continue working on your speech (sub topics)
2) Math Test Unit 4 - and workbook handed in for final marking
3) Chapters 5-7 in Holes - take up 1-4 questions
4) Phys. Ed. - Ultimate Frisbee

Hand in agendas for marking.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday, January 10th, 2013

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Pages 38-48 - Write a Speech - Research
2) finish Math Unit 4 - Workbook handed to me today.  Unit Review in Textbook
3) Holes Novel Study
4) Art -

1) Math Test
2) Basketball Tryouts
3) Floor Hockey Intra-murals
4) Flu Shot Forms
5) Spelling B

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

1) Reflex Math
2) type up Pen Pal or write up good copy (rough copy must be completed first)
3) start research for Speech Topic
4) complete all Unit 4 math (WORKBOOKS) - Unit Review in Textbook
     - studying for Unit 4 Test which is Friday
5) Health Presentation - Addictions - Debora Martin

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

1) Pen Pal Letters
2) 4.9 Order of Operations with Decimals, Pages 92-93, #1-6
3) HOLES - Novel Study
4) Geography

Monday, January 07, 2013

Monday, January 7th, 2013

1) Journal - What did you do over the holiday break?  Anything interesting, exciting, fun, adventurous???  Did you get anything for Christmas that you would like to share???  What are your New Years Resolutions???
2) Library - Reflex Math
3) Math - finish 4.7 Multiplying Decimals if not complete
              - start 4.8 Dividing Decimals, Pages 90-91, #1-6
4) Language Power - make sure Lessons 1-9 are complete (can start 10-12)
5) Art