Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

1) Library - things to finish!!
a) Transformation Designs
b) Probability Experiment good copy
c) Before Midnight Poetry good copy
d) emailed Fantasy story
e) Reflex Math
f) Bitstrips for School
d) Math Workbook up to 11.3

2) Reading Buddies

3) Science

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Monday to Wednesday, May 25th to 27th, 2015

 1) MacLab - Fantasy Story
2) Catch up period
3) Reading
4) Science - Test

1) Math Workbook - Skills You'll Need - Page 224
                               - 11.1 Listing Outcomes - Pages 225-228, #1-6
2) Probability Experiment - Complete at least 100 times
3) Roots of Empathy - Design Booklet
4) Computers - Autobiography

1) MacLab - continue to finish Fantasy Story (use your Writing Sense!!!!) Editing
2) Reflex Math - complete green light if needed
3) Math - finish Probability Experiment and 11.1 (continue to 11.2 if complete)
4) History

Friday, May 22, 2015

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

1) Ontario Writing 7 - Write A Before Midnight Poem - Pages 52-53
2) Math - 10.3 Variables in Expressions - Pages 210-211
                10.4 Evaluating Alegebraic Expressions - Pages 212-215
                10.5 Reading and Writing Equations - Pages 216-217
                10.6 Solving Equations - Pages 218-219
3) Reading Buddies
4) History

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Wednesday to Thursday, May 20th to 21st, 2015

1) MacLab - Fantasy Stories, Reflex Math
2) Math - continue with Workbook Unit 10
3) Science - test

1) Library - Reflex Math, continue with Workbook Unit 10
2) Literacy Power
3) Computers

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

1) finish Math Minute (if needed)
2) Agenda
3) Reflex Math (if needed)
4) Fantasy Story - continue writing using your Writing Sense to follow FEATURES
5) Math - Using Transformations to Make Designs - Create Your Own Design Using Dot Paper
6) No Rotary Today

Thursday to Friday, May 14th to 15th, 2015



2) Homeroom
-worked on Math Workbook, Ontario Writing 7, Fantasy Story, Math Minute, Reflex Math

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

1) Agenda
2) Reflex Math (if needed)
3) Fantasy Story - continue writing on computer
4) Math - Unit 10 - Skills You'll Need - Workbook Pages 200-201
                             - Number Patterns Pages 202-205
                             - Graphing Patterns  Pages 206-209
5) History

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday, May 12th, 2015

1) Agenda
2) Math Minute #98 (hand in for marking)
3) Ontario Writing 7 -
4) Math - Unit 10 - Patterning and Algebra, Definitions and Skills You'll Need
5) Roots of Empathy
6) Computers

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, May 11th, 2015

1) Math Minute #97
2) Agenda
3) MacLab - Reflex Math first
                   - Fantasy Story (can start typing)
4) Math
- In Your Words - Page 196
- Unit Review - Pages 197-198, #1-9 (due today)
extra (Unit 10 Patterning and Algebra - Just For Fun and Skills You'll Need - Pages 199-201)
5) independent reading - Library Novels or Reading Group
6) Science or Walk A Thon

Friday, May 08, 2015

Friday, May 8th, 2015

1) Math Minute #96-97
2) Agenda (make sure to hand in for marking)
3) Writing Sense - Fantasy Story - continue
4) Math Workbook - finish any Unit 9 questions and hand in
5) Pen Pal Letters (good copy)
6) Reading Buddies
7) History

JUMP ROPE FOR HEART - helping out?

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Thursday, May 7th, 2015

1) Math Unit 9 - continue from lesson 9.3 in workbook (can go all the way to end of 9.7)
2) Outside Looking In - in gym
3) PenPal Letters -finish good copy
4) Computers

Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Tuesday to Wednesday, May 5th to 6th, 2015

1) Return of the Jedi - Fantasy Story - start developing characters and settings
2) Roots of Empathy - Baby NOA visit
3) extra homeroom period

1) Math Minute #96 (take up #94 and #95)
2) Agenda
3) Social
4) continue in Math Workbook - Units 9.4-9.6
5) Science

Monday, May 04, 2015

Monday, May the Fourth Be With You, 2015

1) Math Minute #95 (take up #94)
2) Computer Lab - Reflex Math / Bitstrips for School
3) Math Workbook - finish 9.1 What Is An Integer - Pages 181-182
                                            9.2 Comparing and Ordering Integers, Pages 183-184
4) independent reading
5) Computers

SKILLS CANADA TODAY - catch up Math for Homework

Thursday to Friday, April 30th to May 1st, 2015

1) Library - independent reading and computers (catch up)
2) Outside
3) Science
