Friday, September 30, 2016

Terror 911 Questions

Chapters 1-3
After Reading
1) If you were Curtis, would you go back and look for your dad?  Why or why not?
 2) Do you think Curtis was treating his dad fairly?  Why or Why not?

Chapters 4-7
1) Have you ever had a time when you were so frightened you could not think about what you were doing you just acted on instinct?  Do you know someone who has?
2) Imagine what it must be like for Curtis, crowded into the stairway, moving with the flow of people.  He doesn't know whether he's going toward safety or more danger.  At the time, some people in the World Trade Center were being instructed to stay in their offices, some were heading up the stairs, and others were going downstairs.  What do you think you would have done?

Chapters 8-9
1) Look at the title of Chapter 9.  What do you predict will happen?
2) What do you recall about Curtis's greatest fear and why do you think this is important?
3) Do you think Curtis did the right thing in telling the firefighter that he didn't need help with his dad?  Why?

Chapters 10-12
1) At school, the kids call Curtis a hero, but he says he's not a hero.  What do you think?
2) Survivors of disasters like this carry emotional scars long after the event is over.  What do you think the long lasting effects would be on Curtis and his sister?

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