Thursday, December 22, 2016

Wednesday to Thursday, December 21st to 22nd, 2016

1) MACLAB - Santa Story, Math up to end of 4.6, Advertisement
                      - Mathletics/Prodigy
                      - Free Time
2) Chapter 16 - The Dolphin Way (finish 4.7 in Math Workbook extra)
3) Math Minute #60
4) Free Gym Period

1) Library - Mathletics (10 Minutes)
                 - Prodigy
                 - finish Santa Story/Math up to 4.6
2) Math continue in Workbook 4.7-4.8
3) Locker/Desk Cleanout
4) Secret Santa Gift Exchange
5) Math Minute #61
6) Air Band Presentation in Art

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