Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday - Tuesday, September 15-16th, 2008


Monday's work:
1) finished 1.4 Math - Order of Operations, pages 25-28, #1-12 (homework if not complete)
2) Spelling Lesson 3 - Dictionary Meanings
3) complete 1 S.R.A.

Tuesday's work:
1) finish Dictionary Meanings
2) Literacy Power - Hero - A-C (homework if not complete)
3) Writing Sense - Autobiographies
4) Read-A-Loud - please have signed by parent

Mr. Hickey


Anonymous said...

hi it is dalton

Anonymous said...

you'll probably laugh when you see what my ma wrote on my read aloud.

from: vada

Anonymous said...

I finished most of my homework haha...

M. Hickey said...

Logan you need to ask Mr. Sowden for the forms.

M. Hickey said...

Logan you need to ask Mr. Sowden for the forms.

M. Hickey said...

Cassidy you are looking for that word called "ALL"!!...ha ha ha

Mr. RG said...

Yes, Cassidy!!
"Most" doesn't cut it.
"All" is more like it!